Webinar: Mixed Methods Master Class

Session 2: How to Master Continuous Concept Development?

Do you feel that you are often stuck with only one method/ tool when trying to solve all your user research needs (e.g. with only surveys)? A better way to answer ever more complex business questions is by applying mixed-method research techniques.

In our series of master class sessions we are unearthing the different ways, you can more effectively combine different qual and quant user research techniques to create more comprehensive and higher quality insights to support your design and development process.

In the second session, we dig into the concept development phase and share best practices on how to iteratively develop concepts together with users - from testing the initial concept idea to validating it with different user segments. Testing concepts continuously is an essential part of the product and service development process that allows designers and developers to gather feedback about their concepts and validate which ones bring the most value to users and the business.

You learn what you need to consider when iteratively developing concepts with users and what critical elements you should include in your process. To make it all more concrete, we also share some practical examples of how continuous concept development can be run in a simple and easy way.

Webinar recording: Mixed Methods Master Class Session 2 - How to Master Continuous Concept Development?

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